Out There

Conservative? Or Christian?

Posted in politics by Pete on May 19, 2022

People today say, “If I were alive during the civil rights movement I would have marched, I would have picketed, I would have protested, I would have taken a stance against racism.”

What you are doing now is exactly what you would have done then.

Jemar Tisby

To which I say, OUCH! And PREACH IT!!!!!

I don’t have the time I need to write a more full response. But I want to remember these articles so I’m linking here so I can find and maybe respond later. This is Jemar Tisby’s measured, but powerful response that I lifted the above quote from, and it includes several more. Because “The truth shall set you free,” I’ll leave you with one more quote from Dr Tisby, for those who have ears to hear:

You have the opportunity to choose a different path. You have the chance to practice courageous Christianity.

Courageous Christianity does not compromise with racism, it confronts it. Courageous Christianity does not fear human beings, it fears God and acts accordingly. Courageous Christianity is willing to lose funding and donations to stand for the dignity of all people. Courageous Christianity does what is right, not what is popular with a particular constituency.

Courageous Christianity would reject a report that denigrates a college’s own staff and faculty in an effort to score political points with conservatives.

Courageous Christianity honors truth above misinformation and mischaracterization.

Jemar Tisby
